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Q&A: How can I pursue a career in management without neglecting the development of my clinical and research skills?
- May 30, 2022
Dr. Debbie Byrd answers the important question of how to pursue a career in management without neglecting the development of your clinical and research skills.
A Closer Look at the Ambulatory Care PRN
- May 16, 2022
The Ambulatory Care PRN consists of clinical pharmacists, postgraduate trainees, and students interested in ambulatory care across all practice settings. To make it one of the premier PRNs, the PRN has several committees that work throughout the year, including Advocacy, Budget, Communications, Education, Membership, Networking, Nominations, Research Process, Scholarly Activity, Resident/Fellow, and Student.
On Demand CV and LOI Review Service
- May 5, 2022
A well-written curriculum vitae (CV) and letter of intent (LOI) creates a positive image to future employers and distinguishes you from the rest of the applicants.
Clinical Pharmacy Professional Development: Advice for Postgrads
- May 4, 2022
ACCP understands the importance of planning for your postgraduate future. With the help of experts in the clinical pharmacy field, the ACCP Resident Advisory Committee has assembled an insightful discussion on professional development that will help you design a 10 year plan and motivate you to tackle it!
Q&A: As a new practitioner in a clinical role, what are the most important things to focus on in my first year of clinical pharmacy practice?
- Apr 18, 2022
Your first year of clinical practice is a turning point in both your personal life and your professional life as a clinical pharmacist. It is finally the end of the residency experience, and you feel as if you can press play on other aspects of your life. As you transition into this new, exciting, and possibly overwhelming time, there are three key things to be mindful of during your first year in clinical practice.
A Closer Look at the Nephrology PRN
- Apr 4, 2022
The Nephrology PRN is made up of nephrology pharmacists practicing in internal medicine, ambulatory care, academia, research, the pharmaceutical industry, and more, with members located all around the world. The PRN was established in 1993 with 73 inaugural members. Today, the group has almost 200 members and consists of nephrology experts, newcomers, and everyone in between.
Q&A: How can I continue to identify research opportunities without the oversight of a preceptor or program director?
- Feb 15, 2022
First, identifying research opportunities begins with a curious mind. Asking and identifying relevant research questions arises from inquisitiveness, which is often grounded in experiences and making connections among those experiences.
Q&A: Are some things negotiable when accepting a job offer? How do you negotiate without jeopardizing your job offer?
- Jan 19, 2022
Accepting your first post-training job is a big decision that can affect the trajectory of your career. Any reasonable employer recognizes the gravity of this decision for a young professional and should welcome and expect some reasonable degree of negotiation and discussion before finalizing acceptance of an offer.
Q&A: Can you tell me about your job search strategy?
- Dec 20, 2021
When and how did you begin your job search? What resources did you use? What advice can you give? Andrew Webb, Pharm. D., BCCCP, answers these questions and more!
Minicourse on Abstracts for Acceptance
- Nov 10, 2021
ACCP Research and Scholarship Academy faculty members have assembled six modules on writing abstracts for acceptance. Watch the lectures to help develop superior scientific abstract writing skills.
Q&A: Pursuing a career in clinical pharmacy education without sacrificing your clinical pharmacy practice
- May 24, 2021
How do you balance teaching, scholarship, service, and practice?
The ACCP Field Guide to Becoming a Standout Pharmacy Residency Candidate, Third Edition
- Jan 6, 2021
Setting yourself apart as an exceptional candidate early in your academic career becomes increasingly important as a growing number of pharmacy students seek postgraduate pharmacy training.
Resident Survival Guide
- Jan 6, 2021
The Resident Survival Guide has been developed to assist residents in meeting the challenges and taking advantage of the opportunities presented in residency training.
Q&A: Establishing a new clinical pharmacy practice
- Jan 6, 2021
What factors should you, as a recent residency graduate, consider when accepting a job charged with establishing a new clinical pharmacy practice?
ACCP Academy Training
- Jan 6, 2021
Looking to advance your skills? Seeking mentorship and instruction not currently provided within your institution?
Q&A: Top tips for interviewing virtually
- Jan 6, 2021
Read here for top tips for interviewing virtually.
Q&A: Conducting research early in my career
- Jan 6, 2021
How can you get off on the right foot with respect to conducting research early in my career?