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Forces driving change in pharmacy education: Opportunities to take academic, social, technological, economic, and political into the future
- May 24, 2021
In pharmacy education, we are experiencing the “new normal” after an “inflection point” along with a host of other overused phrases. Yet, without doubt, there is pressing need to reconsider what was once standard operating procedure.
The pharmacist's responsibility to ensure appropriate use of direct-to-consumer genetic testing
- May 24, 2021
Millions of consumers have chosen to pursue direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing for personal health-related and/or non-health-related information. However, genetic test results can be complex to interpret, and the regulatory landscape for DTC genetic tests is in flux.
ACCP Member Spotlight: Madison L. Adams
- Mar 23, 2021
Madison L. Adams graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy with a Pharm.D. degree in 2017, after which she entered the U.S. Public Health Service and pursued a PGY1 pharmacy practice residency with the Indian Health Service (IHS) at the Northern Navajo Medical Center (NNMC).
Current and future state of quality metrics and performance indicators in comprehensive medication management for ambulatory care pharmacy practice
- Feb 2, 2021
Given the decade of changes and advances in ambulatory care (AC) practice since the 2011 publication, the 2020 ACCP Publications Committee has developed the present white paper to update quality metrics and provide performance indicators with proposed guidance for CMM in AC practice.
Adaptation of clinical pharmacy services to meet patient care needs during the COVID‐19 pandemic
- Jan 16, 2021
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has challenged health systems to find innovative ways of delivering patient care while protecting staff from infection with the virus.
The ACCP Field Guide to Becoming a Standout Pharmacy Residency Candidate, Third Edition
- Jan 6, 2021
Setting yourself apart as an exceptional candidate early in your academic career becomes increasingly important as a growing number of pharmacy students seek postgraduate pharmacy training.
Resident Survival Guide
- Jan 6, 2021
The Resident Survival Guide has been developed to assist residents in meeting the challenges and taking advantage of the opportunities presented in residency training.
Q&A: Establishing a new clinical pharmacy practice
- Jan 6, 2021
What factors should you, as a recent residency graduate, consider when accepting a job charged with establishing a new clinical pharmacy practice?
ACCP Academy Training
- Jan 6, 2021
Looking to advance your skills? Seeking mentorship and instruction not currently provided within your institution?
Q&A: Top tips for interviewing virtually
- Jan 6, 2021
Read here for top tips for interviewing virtually.
Q&A: Conducting research early in my career
- Jan 6, 2021
How can you get off on the right foot with respect to conducting research early in my career?
About the Pharmacy Workforce Center
- Jan 5, 2021
The Pharmacy Workforce Center (PWC) is a coalition of nonprofit corporations whose mission is to serve the pharmacy profession and the public by actively researching, analyzing, and monitoring the size, demography, and activities of the pharmacy workforce.
Comprehensive Medication Management: Landmark Study's Findings and Future Directions
- Jan 5, 2021
ACCP and the ACCP Foundation funded the Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) in Primary Care Study, a multi-year effort launched in 2016.
ACCP Member Spotlight: Scott Smorra
- Jan 5, 2021
Scott Smorra, Pharm.D., BCPS, is a clinical pharmacy specialist for investigational drug service/research at Providence Portland Medical Center.
ACCP Member Spotlight: Ting-Ting Wu
- Jan 5, 2021
Ting-Ting Wu, Pharm.D., BCPS, earned her Pharm.D. degree from the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy and subsequently completed a PGY1 pharmacy practice residency at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Presbyterian.
ACCP Member Spotlight: Autumn Walkerly
- Jan 5, 2021
Autumn Walkerly, Pharm.D., earned her Pharm.D. degree from Northeast Ohio Medical University and completed her PGY1 pharmacy residency at Cleveland Clinic Fairview Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio.
ACCP Member Spotlight: Aeryana Beaudrie-Nunn
- Jan 5, 2021
Aeryana Beaudrie-Nunn is a fourth-year student pharmacist at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy in Phoenix, where she is completing her advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) rotations.
Credentialing and privileging for clinical pharmacists
- Jan 5, 2021
The American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) 2019 Certification Affairs Committee was charged with writing a white paper to provide a road map for developing initial and ongoing credentialing and privileging processes for clinical pharmacists.
Addressing burnout in clinical pharmacy: What can we learn from other health care disciplines?
- Jan 5, 2021
Burnout is a growing concern across health care disciplines. Burnout is a prolonged response to persistent work‐related stressors and includes elements of exhaustion, depersonalization, and perceived ineffectiveness.
Roles of the clinical pharmacist during the COVID‐19 pandemic
- Jan 5, 2021
Pharmacists play an essential and unique role within the healthcare team to optimize patient care during this COVID‐19 pandemic.