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ACCP Members Lead Response to CDC on COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendation in Children 6 Months and Older
- Sep 5, 2022
ACCP members led a joint response with the Pediatric Pharmacy Association (PPA) in regards to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)approval of both Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines for children of ages 6 months and older.
2023–2024 On-Demand CV and LOI Review Services Now Available
- Aug 29, 2022
A well-written curriculum vitae (CV) and letter of intent (LOI) create a positive image to future selection committees or employers and distinguish the applicant from the rest of the crowd.
Call for Applications: 2023–2024 ACCP Professional Leadership APPE
- Aug 22, 2022
The ACCP APPE is designed to provide students pursuing a Pharm.D. degree with an opportunity to learn about leadership within a professional organization from the perspectives of both elected leaders and staff, with a syllabus incorporating both individual and group discussions, journal clubs, presentations, and writing projects.
Recruitment Events at the Global Conference to Include New Features
- Aug 16, 2022
The 2022 ACCP recruitment events at the Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy in San Francisco will include a Residency, Fellowship, and Graduate Program Showcase and an appointment-based Professional Placement Forum (PPF).
ACCP Joins Pharmacy Colleagues Across the Profession to Support Equitable Access to COVID Care Delivered by Pharmacists
- Aug 8, 2022
The Equitable Community Access to Pharmacist Services Act (ECAPS) ensures Medicare patients have access to timely and consistent treatment from pharmacists for pandemic-related health services, and facilitates pharmacist response to current and future threats to public health.
Clinical Spotlight: Infectious Disease Spotlight – The University of Illinois
- Aug 1, 2022
Learn about Alan E. Gross, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCIDP, BCPS, a clinical associate professor of pharmacy practice at the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy. He is a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist and a board-certified infectious diseases pharmacist.
ACCP Responds to Senate Drug Pricing Hearing: An Urgent Need to Lower Drug Prices in Medicare
- Jul 25, 2022
ACCP weighs in on the call to Congress to incentivize the integration of qualified clinical pharmacists into value-based patient care teams.
Q&A: What tactics or resources would you recommend to improve my public speaking skills?
- Jul 11, 2022
Dr. Brian Hemstreet provides tactics and considerations for making the most of your public speaking opportunities and shares how to develop and refine your public speaking skills.
ACCP Leads Pharmacy Voice Among Multi-stakeholder Public Health Advocates Calling for Public Health Infrastructure Investment
- Jul 4, 2022
As part of the College's long-standing organizational commitment to key public health initiatives, ACCP serves as a member on a number of nonpartisan coalitions committed to strengthening public health infrastructure and prevention programs.
ACCP Member Spotlight: Margie E. Snyder
- Jun 21, 2022
Margie E. Snyder, Pharm.D., MPH, FCCP, FAPhA, currently serves as an associate professor of pharmacy practice at the Purdue University College of Pharmacy and has been the project management preceptor for Purdue-affiliated PGY1 community pharmacy residency programs since 2011.
A Closer Look at the Women's Health PRN
- Jun 20, 2022
The ACCP Women’s Health PRN aims to lead in patient care, education, training, and scholarship pertaining to women’s health while advocating women’s health issues in the public policy arena to ensure access to safe and effective health care services and medications.
Clinical Pearl: Mishaps, Pitfalls, and #Fails Writing a SOAP Note
- Jun 16, 2022
Learning to write a well-written subjective, objective, assessment, and plan (SOAP) note is often challenging for pharmacy students because of their lack of clinical experience and the different preferences of their professors and preceptors. This article identifies where the pitfalls that are most likely to occur and gives tips for successful SOAP note writing.
Q&A: How can I pursue a career in management without neglecting the development of my clinical and research skills?
- May 30, 2022
Dr. Debbie Byrd answers the important question of how to pursue a career in management without neglecting the development of your clinical and research skills.
A Day in the Life of a Postgraduate Trainee: Acting Outside the Box
- May 23, 2022
Amilda Medina shares tips and experiences that she has learned throughout her pharmacy career and why she believes the best things tend to happen when you become innovative and act outside the box.
A Closer Look at the Ambulatory Care PRN
- May 16, 2022
The Ambulatory Care PRN consists of clinical pharmacists, postgraduate trainees, and students interested in ambulatory care across all practice settings. To make it one of the premier PRNs, the PRN has several committees that work throughout the year, including Advocacy, Budget, Communications, Education, Membership, Networking, Nominations, Research Process, Scholarly Activity, Resident/Fellow, and Student.
ACCP Member Spotlight: Andrew Webb
- May 9, 2022
Webb’s interest in neurology began during pharmacy school. Originally, he believed his neurology interest would lead him to a career in ambulatory care clinical pharmacy. However, he discovered his love for critical care after a medical ICU rotation as an APPE student. As a result, Webb’s interest in neurology continued to grow and matched well with his newfound interest in critical care. His interest in neurocritically ill patients was solidified after his first experience in a neuro-ICU.
On Demand CV and LOI Review Service
- May 5, 2022
A well-written curriculum vitae (CV) and letter of intent (LOI) creates a positive image to future employers and distinguishes you from the rest of the applicants.
Clinical Pharmacy Professional Development: Advice for Postgrads
- May 4, 2022
ACCP understands the importance of planning for your postgraduate future. With the help of experts in the clinical pharmacy field, the ACCP Resident Advisory Committee has assembled an insightful discussion on professional development that will help you design a 10 year plan and motivate you to tackle it!
Improving the Quality of Clinical Pharmacy Practice Research
- May 2, 2022
ACCP promotes the dissemination of new knowledge to advance pharmacotherapy and patient care through its official journals. As an ACCP member, you will have ongoing access to these resources to improve the quality of your clinical pharmacy research.
ACCP Papers
- Apr 25, 2022
Official ACCP papers include position statements, white papers, guidelines, issue briefs, and commentaries. Each year, ACCP committee and task force charges include the development of ACCP papers to address ongoing and emerging strategic initiatives.