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ACCP Papers

Published on: Apr 25, 2022

As a member-driven organization, the College’s greatest strength is the many contributions of its members. Among the many ways that members contribute to the implementation of the ACCP Strategic Plan is the development of official ACCP papers. Official ACCP papers include position statements, white papers, guidelines, issue briefs, and commentaries. Each year, ACCP committee and task force charges include the development of ACCP papers to address ongoing and emerging strategic initiatives. Current committees and task forces are developing white papers on rewards and advances for clinical pharmacists, collaborations between community- and clinic-based pharmacists, learning outcomes of simulation modalities in pharmacy education and training, postgraduate year one pharmacy residency program equivalency, and application of clinical treatment guidelines in real-world practice. In addition, ACCP committees and task forces are developing commentaries on increasing the number of postgraduate training opportunities to meet current and future demands and opportunities for pharmacists to pursue health disparities research.

Participating on a committee or task force writing an ACCP paper is an opportunity for members to serve the College while completing published scholarship and expanding their professional network. All members are encouraged to express interest in these opportunities during the ACCP call for volunteers each summer. Those hoping to participate must include a description of their relevant expertise, experience, or interest in the topic.

ACCP papers are published in the Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (JACCP), and all JACCP content is available to ACCP members. Full-text ACCP papers are also available to members and nonmembers on the ACCP website ( under Policy, Practice, and Government Affairs → ACCP papers. Within this section of the webpage, current and archived ACCP papers can be searched by paper type as well as by title or keyword. An example search is shown below.

Wondering if ACCP has a paper in an area of interest? Search ACCP papers today!